Etsy Treasuries
Bright holiday_2
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candied sweets at some time there became a link, an attachment, a connection or how about just being tied to one another. perhaps this relationship has a deep and profound meaning or maybe it was circumstance. either way, i feel that the these two have become synonymous with the holiday season.
through the senses of sight, touch, auditory, taste and well smell too. sight - the end of the spectrum next to orange and opposite of violet in relation to blood, fire, rubies... touch - feeling of corduroy, silky, angora, boucle, velvety, sequin, soft, rough.... auditory - lullabies, chamber, chorus, cappella, carolers, jokes, commercials, bells.... taste - hot cinnamon, robust wine, candy sweetness, crisp apples, sugary cookies.... smell - cinnamon, spicy, candied cherries, fruity, roses, scented markers... a thank you goes out to curator: JoyForToes - Natasha and her Bright holiday - 2 Etsy Treasury featuring Stella the Flower Petal Faerie and for showing us how she celebrates the colour red. Etsy#84
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